Welcome Message
Nizar Abdulateef Jassim, MD
President of ILBJH
Dear Colleagues and Friends
On behalf of the Iraqi League for Bone & Joint Health (ILBJH), we cordially invite you to attend the “ILBJH22 Baghdad Congress” which is slated to be held during December 8-9-10, 2022 at Dijlah Village in Baghdad, Iraq. The congress deliberations would be on the theme of “Striving for Outstanding Progress in Rheumatology”.
Since its foundation in 2013, the ILBJH has been recognized in the wide-ranging spectrum of Iraqi Rheumatology as a prestigious and respectable non-profit organization. Among the multitude of our distinguished activities, we recognize that this congress represents the flagship of our organization, with a growing desire for a more personal exchange of knowledge, to experience the latest innovations and to meet old friends and new colleagues. That is why we have worked towards delivering this for December 2022 and this goal was one we fully believed possible.
The ILBJH22 Baghdad Congress is a three-day gathering, which will deliver an experience like no other, with a highly multidisciplinary & exciting scientific program where leading figures in rheumatology will give talks, in addition to a buzzing industry exhibition that will absolutely be worth the wait.
The 2022 will be an extraordinary year for ILBJH, marking not only our fifth congress but also choosing Baghdad as a venue for the congress “The City of Mystique & Allure, which Poets and Writers have Sung Through its Long Life” is an exceptionally significant for us.
I am extremely proud of ILBJH achievements, and I would like to thank all members of the ILBJH for their commitment to this experience. And my special thanks to the numerous delegates who will attend our fabulous congress in 2022. We fully anticipate that your active participation and contributions is a valuable asset to the success of the event.
My warmest regards,
My warmest regards,
Nizar Abdulateef Jassim, MD
President of ILBJH